Friday, May 18, 2012

Well...its finally Friday (again). Last night was a late one, getting final cleanup to my AutoCAD so that I could start the page sets for printing for the GRW subscribers at Garden Railway Magazine. 

I hope that those of you who model in 1/29 scale will take a minute to email me or blog me and let me know what you think; what you are looking for; or if you have any plans that need conversion and drawing overlay. Be glad to chat with you all. Thanks for stopping by. Tripp.


Susan Terry Watson said...

amazing Steve! Looks like you're having fun..that's for sure.

Tripptee said...

I am for sure Susan. Getting ready to start posting Submittal #4 on this blog tonight. #2 goes to web publish next week. #3 in about 6 weeks. This next one is for October. Found it myself in a 1947 Jan. article. A nice, large, Engine House.